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Showing posts with the label wifi hacking software free download

how to hack wifi password

 Hello readers Silent Mind is back with awesome tutorial " how to hack wifi Password" as you know this blog is general information blog and it is education purpose only, hacking into others private wireless network is illegal I am not responsible to any damage my aim is to provide knowledge to other peoples. First I explain what is wifi then I tell you how to hack wifi password.  What is wifi? wifi is a network that provide Internet access to those devices which are not connected to ISP directly through wire connection, instead of through wireless adopter. Some wifi are are public which are not requite password or key but they are less secure. Some wifi network are private and require password for authentication . Our goal is to hack these wifi network and get free internet access.  There are to types of wireless authentication; one is WEP and other is WPA or WPA-2. WEP password hacking is very easy so that now a days only 2% wireless networks are using them ...